Analog Devices - Low-power low-noise AFEs for high precision measurement applications (AD7124) | 黑森尔电子
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Analog Devices - Low-power low-noise AFEs for high precision measurement applications (AD7124)

Technology Cover
发布日期: 2016-01-05, Analog Devices Inc.
ADI's Analog Front End (AFE) product portfolio features low power, low noise, and fully integrated AFEs for high-precision measurement applications. These devices include a low noise, 24-bit sigma-delta (ΣΔ) analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The on-chip low gain stage ensures that small amplitude signals can be connected directly to the ADC. The AD7124 AFE was developed using the highest level of signal chain integration to provide a precision, low noise, low drift internal bandgap reference. The device also accepts an external differential reference, which can be buffered internally. Other key integrated features include a programmable low-drift excitation current source; burn-out current; and a bias voltage generator that sets the channel's common-mode voltage to AVDD / 2.