Four - channel high - side drivers with analog current - sensing automotive applications | 黑森尔电子
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Four - channel high - side drivers with analog current - sensing automotive applications

Technology Cover
发布日期: 2023-02-07, STMicroelectronics

The VNQ5E050MK-E is a four-channel high-side driver manufactured with ST patented VIPower M0-5 technology and packaged in a tiny PowerSSO-24 package. The VNQ5E050MK-E is designed to drive 12V automotive ground loads, providing protection, diagnostics and easy compatibility with 3V and 5V CMOS interfaces with any microcontroller.

Block diagram


The device integrates advanced protection features such as load current limiting, power limiting inrush current and overload active management, automatic restart of overtemperature cut-off and overvoltage active clamp. Each output channel has a dedicated analog current detection pin to provide enhanced diagnostic capabilities, including rapid detection of overloads and ground short circuits via power limit indications and overtemperature indications.

Application information

      Current sensing and diagnosis


Current sensing and diagnostic feedback throughout the device can be disabled by pulling up the CS_DIS pin to allow sharing of external sensing resistance with other similar devices.

Configuration diagram (top view)

