Intersil ISL8215M single channel dc - dc step-down power supply module | 黑森尔电子
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Intersil ISL8215M single channel dc - dc step-down power supply module

Technology Cover
发布日期: 2022-10-21, Intersil

  Intersil's ISL8215M power module is a single-channel synchronous step-down complete power supply capable of delivering up to 15 a continuous current. The ISL8215M operates from a single 7 V to 42 V wide input power track with integrated controllers, power inductors and MOSFETs optimized for space-constrained and battery-powered applications.

   With high efficiency, including selectable light load mode and low thermal resistance, the ISL8215M allows full power operation without any heat sink under most conditions. It also provides fast transient response and excellent loop stability, while 40 ns typical minimum operating time allows single-step low duty cycle downconversion to load point voltage.

   The ISL8215M comes in a ROHS-compliant 13 mm x 19 mm x 5.3 mm HDA package with a pin strap-on configuration technology that requires only a small number of external components to operate and provides a high power density solution with a lower footprint.
