Plessey ALPS - Full-colour range of high-power high-efficacy LEDs suits many needs (PLC3535AA000) | 黑森尔电子
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Plessey ALPS - Full-colour range of high-power high-efficacy LEDs suits many needs (PLC3535AA000)

Technology Cover
发布日期: 2015-07-09
Plessey ALPS full-color high-efficiency LED with 3535 lens package. Hemispherical lens and low thermal resistance package ensure high light output, cold operation and best reliability. Each color type offers three different lens options. Features include high light output, high reliability ceramic package, hemispherical silicon lens and 55-135 degree lens option. This device is ideal for general, residential, commercial and street lighting applications, but also for flashlights, signage and many display applications.